In the letter the firm reiterated their disappointment with the weak operating results of Angelica, blaming management, and urged management to be more accommodative and open to utilizing all strategic alternatives. The firm said it will closely monitor the company.
NOTE: Nothing new here, but I need to ask - Is Tom Hudson at Pirate getting his mojo back after a terrible last 9-12 months. We are seeing more and more from him.
Copy of Letter:
Dear Members of the Board:
We feel compelled to reiterate in the strongest terms our disappointment with the weak operating results of Angelica Corporation (the "Company") and the anemic performance of the Company's stock during the past few years. As we made clear in our July 2, 2007 letter to the Board, we believe it is in both the shareholders' and the Company's interest for management to keenly focus on following the most optimal strategy to unlock value for shareholders. We want to make clear that we view Angelica's management team to be solely responsible for the Company's substandard operating results over recent years (2003 - present),which we believe to have been a direct contributor to Angelica's stock price underperformance. Contextually, we want to impress upon the Board that Pirate remains a beneficial owner of Angelica stock, with approximately 935,000 shares, or almost 10% of Angelica's outstanding shares. On the other hand, executive officers and directors beneficially own just over 260,000 shares (including restricted stock units), in the aggregate, and have been granted, without purchase, options on just over 440,000 shares, based on the Company's latest proxy statement. Clearly, based on our ownership, we believe that we are more closely aligned with shareholder interests than Angelica's management.
Given the difficulties management has experienced in fostering growth, we strongly believe management should be more accommodative and open to utilizing all strategic alternatives. The greatest area of consternation to us, as the second largest shareholder in Angelica, is the disconnect, or the meaningful valuation gap, between the aggregate price that Angelica paid for the 11 bolt-on acquisitions made between 2003 and 2006, which we understand to be in excess of$125 million, or approximately 1x sales, and the current market valuation for Angelica, which closed last night at $22.36 per share, or just over 0.5x fiscal2006 total gross sales for Angelica. Separately, given the proximity of Angelica's laundry facilities relative to each other, we would also ask the Board to consider sales of assets across regions.
Going forward, we will closely follow the Company's operating results and look forward with anticipation to management's pronouncement of strategies that will further shareholder value. Finally, as a significant holder of Angelica stock,make no mistake about it, we will continue to be vigilant in support of shareholder interests.
We look forward to your full cooperation in effecting the best outcome for shareholders.
Thomas R. Hudson Jr.
Labels: AGL, Angelica, Pirate Capital, Tom Hudson
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